
Gerhard Richter

More artists should try being honest about how rubbish they used to be.
Gerhard Richter is a German artist who is worth a reputed £585 million. He has been in the news in the last day or so because he has told a German Press Agency that much of his early work is 'junk and should be burnt'. He is being honest...few if any artists produce works of genius from the off. Like Gerald Ratner who in1991 described the products his jewellery business sold as 'total crap', we should recognise that much of our early work, at least , may indeed fall into that category and there is no shame in that.

Delia's Art Room
New Shop New Beginning
Hi guys well its here. We are re opening on Monday 15th June 2020 to lots of uncertainty but we are optimistic about the future of The Art Room.

We started back in 2016 in a small dark craft center and in 18 months we built the business up and started to spread the word we were here. Expanding in early 2018 we moved into what seemed huge premises on Falsgrave Road Scarborough number 30. we started to introduce more products as it was clear there was a need for an Art shop in Scarborough. I continued to get commission work for mainly pet portraits, also more people came to me through word of mouth for workshops in watercolour. We enjoyed 2 years at number 30 and made lots of new friends built up a good portfolio. We came to a point where the shop didn't seem so big anymore in fact I felt like it had shrunk.

We made a decision to seek larger premises hopefully in the same area and we were lucky enough to find this amazing shop with lots of space and room to grow. We went ahead and set the wheels in motion but then disaster struck the corona virus and everything came to a halt.

Now here we are after weeks of preparing the premises and getting ready to open but also reflecting on the past few years and trying to make sense of the current situation.

I suddenly thought well here goes if you don't try you never know, we are excited and anxious at the same time but FUTURE here we come. The Art Room 58 Falsgrave Road YO12 5AX